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21 Special Garden Holidays To Celebrate Every Year

Garden lovers never need an excuse to spend time doing what they enjoy most. However, these special garden holidays that come around throughout the year are not to be missed. Most people have heard of Earth Day, which is celebrated throughout the globe. But did you know that there are many more garden-related holidays on the calendar? Even the biggest plant and gardening fan may not know about all of them, so mark your calendars and begin thinking of some great ways to honor these special days. 

a field of zinnia flowers in multiple shdes of red, yellow and orange

Teach your kids about Earth day too! This book will help you do it in a fun way 😉

Special Garden Holidays To Celebrate Every Year

Every day in the garden is a celebration for those of us who love to play in the dirt. But, there are some garden holidays that deserve special attention. Here's a short list of my favorites.

As you can see, there are many great garden holidays to celebrate throughout the year. You might recognize these special days by tending to your own garden. Or you can invite some plant-loving friends to enjoy tea in the garden with you.

They also make a great time for awareness (which is what many of them were created for) so you can tell your non-gardening friends and family about them too. There are no rules about how you should or should not celebrate them, we just hope that you take a little time to get to know about them. You can use this post as your reference and return to it whenever you wish!

21 Special Garden Holidays To Celebrate Every Year

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