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Growing your own vegetables offers so many benefits in health and life. It’s a great way to make sure you’re eating fresh organic produce and also makes great exercise. For some people, it can even be therapeutic. These tips can help you get started if you’re new to gardening.

Gardening 101: Getting Your Garden Started

Garden location

It’s essential to keep in mind that location is vital. It’s best to choose an area that gets a lot of sunlight.

If your yard doesn’t see a lot of sun, that’s okay! Some plants, such as spinach and lettuce, thrive in shaded areas. You’ll also want to ensure you give your plants enough space to grow.

Although you might want to grow your garden on a plot of land, it’s essential to keep in mind there are other options. You might consider using a garden container or a raised bed instead. A garden container can be a good option for newbies. A raised bed can also be a great option, but it will require an additional cost for materials.

Garden size

What if you don’t have a lot of room for a garden? That’s okay! If you live in an apartment that doesn’t have a large yard or any yard where you can grow a garden, you might consider growing an indoor herb garden instead.

If you have a porch or balcony, you can grow potted plants there. However, it’s essential to determine how much sunlight your porch or balcony gets.

What will you plant?

Next, it’s important to decide what you’re going to plant. There are several things to consider. For starters, what do you like to eat? If you don’t like tomatoes or zucchini, you probably won’t want to grow them. You’ll also want to ensure you’re growing plants that thrive in your gardening conditions.

The most critical gardening 101 tip is to research any plant you plan to add to your garden. Find out what the plant needs to grow and how to maintain it.

Watering the garden

You’ll need to determine how often you should water your garden. It will depend on the plants you grow and your soil type. Sandy soil will require more water than clay soil. How often you’ll need to water your garden will also depend on your climate. In hot, dry climates, your plants will need more water to thrive than if you live in a rainier climate. For most plants and climates, 2 inches of water once a week is ideal.

Garden pests

One of the gardeners’ most significant challenges is garden pests, which come as bugs and critters. The good news is that several organic remedies can help keep some of these pests at bay. You might also consider fencing in your garden or getting scarecrows to deter pests.

These are just some gardening 101 tips to help you get started! As a gardener, however, you will find that you’ll always be learning new tips and tricks to help you get that green thumb you’ve always wanted.

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