Succulents make stunning house plants, and most are remarkably easy to care for. Once you know a few simple tips for how to care for succulent house plants, you can explore the many wonderful varieties well-suited for indoor growing and fill your home with their unique textures and colors. Yep, succulents come in not only …
Indoor Gardening
Once you start growing house plants, you’ll want to have some in every room of your home and workplace! But which plants perform best in which rooms? Keep reading for room-by-room suggestions, as well as plants listed by the different lighting conditions present throughout buildings. The Best Indoor Plants for Bedrooms While they may not …
If you live with a curious cat, you might feel that your indoor gardening has to be limited to silk plants to keep your furry friend from accidentally ingesting something toxic. However, many plants are safe to grow around cats! Once you learn which plants are toxic and which are not, you can confidently go …
The Christmas cactus is a wonderful, hardy succulent with beautifully colored (red, pink, white, and even yellow), tubular blooms. They are very easy plants to care for as they can tolerate poor care and irregular watering. However, if your plant is taking over your kitchen window, it’s time to prune! In this post, you’ll learn …
African violets are one of the most misunderstood plans around because their care is atypical. Even commercial growers often don’t treat them properly. They aren’t difficult to grow, once you know the correct procedures. Rescue some from your local plant store today and treat them right! How to Grow African Violets Use the right potting …
Festive holiday plants bring much-needed life to indoor spaces during a season when, in many places, the outside world looks dormant and bleak. But how do we keep those beautiful plants happy and healthy throughout the holidays? With proper care, Christmas cacti, Norfolk Island pines, and even poinsettias can decorate our homes for months and …
Are you looking for the best indoor plants for cats, so that you can enjoy some greenery indoors without worry about their safety? Many people are under the impression that cats and plants don’t mix. There are two common and very real reasons for this. First, many plants are toxic to cats. Secondly, many cats …
Are you looking to see how to save a peace lily from dying? If you have a peace lily that is dying, is there anything you can do to fix it? The most common reason for peace lilies dying is over-watering. If you see yellow foliage and signs of root rot, you might be able …
Are you a garden and cat lover? The combo can be somewhat terrifying when you aren’t sure what plants you can and can’t have around your kitty. I recently bought a Christmas cactus but became nervous about whether it was toxic or not! So, I wondered: is Christmas cactus poisonous to cats? Thanksgiving and Christmas …
Learning how to grow kalanchoe blossfeldiana is not as complicated as you might think. This plant knows how to care for itself, making it an excellent choice for many who want low-maintenance plants. It can bloom for months on end without needing any special care. This is one reason it has become very popular and …