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Best Greenhouse Kits For A Garden In A Box!

There are literally dozens of manufacturers who offer greenhouse kits for home use. Most are well designed, quality products. Some, not so great.


If you’d love to have a greenhouse, but just don’t have the skills or time to plan and build one from scratch, a kit house is just the thing for you! A kit greenhouse provides field-tested design, ease of assembly, and (almost) instant gratification. It will also extend your growing season.

The most common complaints with poorly designed kits include leakage, a total failure in bad weather, and deterioration by the UV rays of the sun.

All greenhouse kits have one thing in common: a frame. But the similarities end there, with many types, sizes, and design features available.

Which one is for you? It might be hard to figure which kit is best suited for your needs, as well as the best bang for your buck. But our guide below will help you figure out which greenhouse to choose for your needs.

Best Greenhouse Kits

Small greenhouse kits

Sometimes you just need a small greenhouse. Maybe you don’t have a lot of space, or you don’t know if a greenhouse is right for you. And before you go all out buying a large greenhouse, you should probably get a small greenhouse kit, like one of these:

Home-Complete HC-4202 Walk-In Greenhouse- Indoor Outdoor with 8 Sturdy Shelves-Grow Plants, Seedlings, Herbs, or Flowers In Any Season-Gardening RackWalk-In Greenhouse with 8 Sturdy ShelvesAmazon buy buttonOhuhu Mini Greenhouse, Small Plant Greenhouses, 4 Tier Rack Stands Portable Garden Green House for Outdoor & Indoor, 1.5 x 2.25 x 5.25 FTMini Portable GreenhouseAmazon buy buttonMini Walk-in GreenhousePortable Plant Gardening Greenhouse Amazon buy button

Lean-to greenhouse kits

A lean-to greenhouse is a way to add some space to an existing greenhouse or add a small gardening space close to your house. Lean-to greenhouses and sheds lean into an existing structure, giving you easy access to your plants.

Here are a couple of lean-to greenhouse kits:

OGrow OGAL-46A Greenhouse, ClearLean-To Greenhouse, ClearAmazon buy buttonA walk-in lean-to greenhosuePortable Mini Lean-To Green House Amazon buy button


Portable greenhouse kits

If you’re not sure where the best place it for a greenhouse, you might want to start with a portable one. A portable greenhouse is also good if you’re planning to move soon, as you can take it with you to your new place. 

Here’s just one of the many portable greenhouses available for sale at, or at your local store.

Portable greenhouse

Things to look for in a greenhouse kit

In doing your research on greenhouse kits, be on the lookout for:

  • strong framework
  • rustproof & UV resistant
  • ventilation system
  • the best glazing for plants
  • insulation factor
  • complete instructions
  • product warranty

Other greenhouse kit considerations

Rigid or flexible plastic coverings are better insulated, more cost-effective, and easier to work with than traditional glass panes. They also don’t break in a hailstorm!

Freestanding greenhouses are easier to build than ones attached to your house. To add on a greenhouse to your existing home, you’ll more than likely need to hire professionals to plan and build it.

Freestanding models can often be expanded by removing one end-wall and adding on modules.

Kit greenhouses provide an elegant, finished look in a short amount of time. Now it does take time, effort, and a little head-scratching to assemble a kit. However, it’s much easier to erect than a stick-built DIY greenhouse.

Don’t forget the needed greenhouse accessories!

In planning the cost of either a kit or hand-built greenhouse, don’t forget to allow for all of the accessories and improvements you’ll need.

  • Foundation – some kits do not require a formal foundation; they can be erected anywhere without extensive preparation. Others may call for a concrete or masonry foundation, which will usually involve building permits and professional help.
  • Utilities – you will need to plan if and how you’re going to run electricity and running water to your greenhouse. You may need licensed professionals to set this up properly, too.
  • Accessories – And don’t forget the other goodies you might want, like hydroponic units, plant benches, a heater, fans, and permanent irrigation or misting system.

We went surfin’ for you

I’ll be honest with you upfront. We have spent literally years researching the different types of greenhouses and greenhouse materials available today. Of course, you’re welcome to surf the net for yourself and compare products and prices.

But please bookmark this website, as you’ll probably want to come back. 🙂

In keeping with our “KISS philosophy” (Keep It Simple Simon), we aim to make greenhouse kit selection simple for you too. And here’s what we have come up with:

  • We’re absolutely sold on a material for greenhouse panels called Solexx (Here’s why). 
  • Solexx produces a compact but highly productive and attractive greenhouse which is easy to assemble.
  • The framework is fiberglass reinforced and super-strong.
  • The insulated glazing panels provide bright, even lighting which accelerates plant growth. It is also UV certified to withstand damage from the sun.
  • They also manufacture larger houses for the serious gardener or small commercial grower. You won’t find a better deal on Conservatory Greenhouses.

Gardeners Oasis 24' Greenhouse Kit Panel Thickness: 5.0 mmGardeners Oasis 24′ Greenhouse Kit Panel Thickness: 5.0 mmAmazon buy buttonSolexx Garden Master Greenhouse 5MM Deluxe 8'x12'x8'9Solexx Garden Master Greenhouse 5MM Deluxe 8’x12’x8’9Amazon buy buttonSolexx Gardeners Oasis Greenhouse 3.5MM Deluxe 8'x8'x8'Solexx Gardeners Oasis Greenhouse 3.5MM Deluxe 8’x8’x8′Amazon buy button

Learn more about Solexx greenhouses, read some honest independent reviews, watch a few more short videos, and check out our great bundled package deals: Solexx Greenhouses.

Thinking BIG? We also have the best prices on the ‘Net for FarmTek Commercial greenhouses.

Save thousands of dollars off the cost of a greenhouse kit. Our long-promised and eagerly-awaited DIY Greenhouse e-book is ready! Simon’s Super Simple On-The-Grid, Off-The-Grid Hydroponic/Aquaponic Survival Greenhouse. Check it out here. Simply awesome!

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