What was that stunning flower you saw the other day? The name started with an A … Whether you’re looking for a specific plant or simply browsing for garden inspiration, here is a list of amazing flowers that start with A, organized by annuals and perennials for convenience.

Annual Flowers that Start with A
1. African daisy (Osteospermum sp.)

These hardy daisies bloom in a wide range of bright, cheerful colors throughout summer and fall. They prefer full sun and tolerate rocky soils, drought, and neglect, making them remarkably easy to care for.
Although a perennial in warmer climates, African daisies will not survive frost and thus should be treated as annuals in areas that experience freezing temperatures.
2. Alyssum (Lobularia maritima)

With fragrant clusters of tiny flowers in shades of white, pink, and purple, sweet alyssum grows in a sprawling or mounding habit. It prefers at least six hours of full sun and can be grown as a short-lived perennial in USDA zones 9-11.
However, it can also reseed itself and may show up in unexpected places around the garden. If you like free flowers popping up in your garden, take a look at these self-seeding plants.
3. Amaranth (Amaranthus sp.)

These versatile plants offer beautiful cut flowers as well as edible leaves and grains. It most commonly produces burgundy spikes of flowers, but some varieties come in other shades, such as the tricolor Joseph’s coat.
Amaranth thrives in full sun and is drought tolerant, though regular watering will result in the prettiest foliage.
4. Angelonia (Angelonia angustifolia)

A small but beautiful plant, Angelonia produces fragrant foliage and spikes of tiny snapdragon-like flowers in shades of blue, purple, white, and pink. It likes full sun or part shade and can tolerate brief dry spells, and in zones 9-11 it can be grown as a perennial.
Angelonia makes great cut flowers and does well grown in pots and window boxes.
Perennial Flowers that Start with A
5. Acanthus (Acanthus mollis)

This tropical perennial, also called bear’s breeches, produces tall spikes of pale pink, purple, or white flowers. It grows best in zones 6-10 in rich, well-draining soil and full sun.
Keep in mind that Acanthus can become invasive, so consider planting it in a large pot or well-contained bed.
6. Agapanthus (Agapanthus sp.)

Also called Lily of the Nile, this South African native puts out a tall stem topped with a beautiful cluster of trumpet-shaped flowers in the summer.
Plant in full sun or, in hotter climates, in partial shade. In zones 7 and colder, bring potted bulbs inside to overwinter, as Agapanthus does not tolerate temperatures below 20 F.
7. Allium (Allium sp.)

These ornamental onions produce globes of white, yellow, pink, purple, or blue flowers on tall stalks. Most bloom in late spring or early summer.
Although they prefer full sun, alliums will tolerate part shade. They work well in rock gardens, make excellent cut flowers, and attract pollinators — though deer and other common mammal pests don’t seem to favor them.
8. Amaryllis (Amaryllis belladonna or A. paradisicola)

Native to South Africa, these bulbs grow best in zones 7-11 and prefer full to partial sun and well-draining soil. They produce fragrant, pink, trumpet-shaped flowers on tall stems in the summer or fall.
A. belladonna is often called naked lady or resurrection lily, as the leaves die back before the flowers bloom. Plant these bulbs in loose clusters surrounded by plants with attractive foliage for a fuller, lusher look.
9. Anemone (Anemone sp.)

Several different anemone varieties offer spring or fall flowers in a range of colors. Most have cheerful, sunny blooms with petals that look like they’re made of crepe paper.
The bulbs should be planted during the season opposite their blooming period — i.e., plant spring-blooming flowers in the fall — and in full sun or partial shade and well-draining soil.
10. Angelica (Angelica archangelica)

Angelica’s soft, lacey clusters of white flowers bloom from June through August in its second year of growth. It often dies after flowering, making it a biennial.
Native to subarctic and temperate regions in the northern hemisphere, this herb grows best in moist, loamy soil and dappled shade. In addition to producing a lovely flower, angelica is also used in holistic medicine.
11. Aster (Aster sp.)

These colorful, daisy-like flowers typically bloom in the late summer and fall, with the exception of alpine asters, which bloom in the spring. With more than 600 varieties, asters come in many colors and range from compact and mounded to four feet tall.
They thrive in full to part sun and loamy, well-draining soil. I recommend New England or New York asters, which are native to the U.S.
And that’s just a sampling of flowers represented by the first letter of the alphabet! So many types of flowers exist, it boggles the mind. Whether you came to this page looking for something specific or simply browsing, I hope you found some inspiration and perhaps a new flower or two to add to your garden this year.
Here’s a list of flowers that start with b.

Beautiful Flower Garden Ideas
Thursday 25th of February 2021
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