A garden space full of bell-shaped flowers is the perfect way to add wonderful curb appeal to your home. These beautiful ornamental flowers add a stunning visual to any garden area or flower bed space.
The great part about adding these flowers to your space is that they come in a wide variety of colors, which can really make the area pop and draw in the eye.

Plants with Bell Shaped Flowers

From perennial bell-like flowers to ones that might need a little more care and attention, you’ll find that you’ll have options to plant in and around your home no matter what type of flower you want and need.
Here are some of the varied bellflowers (also known as genus Campanula) you can plant around your home.
Purple Bell Shaped Flowers
If you love the color purple, you’re in luck. There are several different types of purple flowers that you can add to your garden space.
1. Canterbury Bells (Campanula medium)

This is one of the more popular purple flowers. This type of plant can grow to be almost 2 feet tall, and the purple coloring can vary from light to dark.
2. Hyacinth (Hyacinthus)

The Hyacinth flower plant typically blooms in early spring but will continue to bloom every year as long as you take good care of it and give it the proper maintenance. The sweet-smelling flowers come in a variety of other colors, all of them beautiful bell-shaped beauties.
3. Grape Hyacinth (Muscari)

These unique flowers shaped like cute little bells have also been called “grape flowers.” This is because they look like a cluster of grapes, and if you get close enough, they also give off a sweet scent.
White Bell Shaped Flowers
These white flowers can help add an overall calming and clean look to the perimeter of your home. White flowers are also a fun visual to mix in with other colors of flowers, too.
4. Snowdrops (Galanthus)

These beautiful white flowers are smaller in size and actually “droop” down a bit or drop when they bloom. The other petals are white with a green stem in the middle. You can see them popping up in early spring, especially in wooded areas with partial shade.
5. White Mountain Heather (Cassiope mertensiana)

This common white flower is known to most people as “Western Moss Heather” and is typically found growing in the Northern parts of America, such as California and even Alaska.
6. Lily of the Valley (Convallaria majalis)

One of my favorite flowers! Dainty and deliciously smelling could be two words to describe this white flower. It can be seen growing in the wild but it does well planted in your garden, too.
Lily of the Valley can become invasive in some parts of the country. I personally wouldn’t mind having a backyard full of them, but sadly, I have not experienced them being invasive. When it blooms in the spring, it has an unmistakable sweet smell.
Learn more about growing lily of the valley.
Blue Bell Shaped Flowers
While many colors are abundant in landscapes, blue flowers are rare. But blue flowers are so pretty! They add a dreamy feel to any garden. See if you can find some blue belllike flowers you can add to your landscape.
7. Blue Delphiniums (Delphinium elatum)

These blue beauties will grow back each year and produce stunning, typically dark blue flowers.
Keep them away from livestock, as they are toxic to them.
These flowers are also toxic to humans if ingested.
8. Gentians (Gentiana)

With over 400 different types of this flower, you’ll notice several shapes and colors. This blue flower tends to look longer with a big opening, but it is still classified as bell-shaped.
9. Desert Bluebells (Phacelia campanularia)

These dark blue flowers are quite stunning. They also have yellow anthers that are very noticeable against the blue coloring that protrudes out of the middle of the blooming flower.
Yellow Bell Shaped Flowers
This yellow flower listed below offers beautiful colors for spring. It’s just light enough to be subtle but bright enough to catch the eye.
10. Crown Imperial (Fritillaria imperialis lutea)

Gorgeous yellow flowers, a delight in almost any setting! Their unusual profile draws the eye like a magnet. The fritillaria grows well in full sun and rich, well-drained soil that stays dry in summer. With a light skunk smell, the bulbs are avoided by pests, such as deer, rabbits, and voles.
11. Angel’s Trumpet (Brugmansia)

There is no doubt that these flowers were meant to stand out. They are quite large in size and will appear to droop just a bit because of their size. These are good for planted pots and hanging plants on your porch area.
Pink Bell Shaped Flowers
Adding in some light pink undertones and coloring to your yard can be quite beautiful.
12. Foxglove (Digitalis)

This flower will actually grow in the wild on its own, but it can also be planted and grown. Even though pink coloring is one of the more popular choices because of its beauty, Foxglove flowers can also bloom in white and yellow.
13. Lady’s Eardrops (Fuchsia)

Many are fans of this bell-shaped flower because it has quite a long blooming season compared to other options. Once planted and blooming, the flowers will be bright and beautiful from summer into early fall. Here’s how to care for fuchsia plants.
Bell Shaped Perennial Flowers
Here are several bell-shaped perennial flowers that take minimal maintenance to bloom and grow back year after year.
14. Twinflower (Linnaea borealis)

These tiny bloomers are pretty and small and are typically grown in forested areas. As their name suggests, they bloom in pairs on the stalks.
15. Coral Bells (Heuchera)

Most people see these all over the place. They are tall and wispy flowers that are used quite frequently for landscaping projects or in flower gardens. This is because they’re easy to grow and require minimal maintenance.
16. Beardtongue Flower (Penstemon)

The popularity of these flowers has a dual purpose: not only are they pretty to look at and easy to grow back yearly on their own, but they also attract hummingbirds, which adds a whole other level of beauty.
17. Trumpet Vine (Campsis radicans)

This is a very fast-growing perennial flower that requires some maintenance and shaping. If not, it can grow quickly and easily overtake an area, although it’s lovely to look at!
18. Columbine (Aquilegia)

Several colors will bloom with this perennial plant. Another bonus is that these flowers will bloom in the early part of spring and throughout the early summer months. Columbines reseed themselves and can create quite a show if you plant different colored ones.
Now that you know all these options for bell-shaped flowers, don’t you want some in your garden? Which of these beautiful bell-shaped flowers will you purchase to plant around your home this year?
Check out these plants with heart-shaped leaves.
Belllike flowers in the landscape
Here are some landscapes using bell-like flowers.

What a gorgeous mixture of flowers! I love how to bellflowers are peeking above the rest of the pastel flowers. A beautiful combination of colors!

These pink bells are lovely in a breeze. Paired with the burgundy celosia, they look stunning.

What a beautiful field filled with hot pink foxgloves on an evergreen forest background!
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