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11 Yellow Spring Flowers To Make Your Garden Pop

Spring is almost here and with it, an explosion of color! Today I bring you a collection of yellow spring flowers that is sure to cheer you up. See which ones you’d like in your garden and plant some.

Yellow is probably the first color we see in the spring. It’s a welcome way to get out of the winter blues! Here are just a few of the most popular yellow spring flowers from gardens everywhere.

a field of tulips: yellow in the foreground and white, red, and purple in the background.
Image credit: Backyard Garden Lover.

1. Forsythia shrubs

blooming forsythia shrub.
Image credit: Backyard Garden Lover.

I don’t think I’ve ever seen a blooming Forsythia bush that wasn’t impressive. They put on a much-needed spring show that doesn’t disappoint.

Forsythia grows just about anywhere, and fast! I love snipping a few branches just before they bloom and bring them indoors. It brightens up the whole room and makes everyone happy.

Wouldn’t that look good on YOUR table? I bet it would. Forsythia bushes need to be pruned vigorously, so don’t feel bad picking a few branches to bring some “sunshine” into your home.

2. Yellow iris

Yellow iris flower.
Image credit: Backyard Garden Lover.

I have yellow irises in my front yard: they are so beautiful and delicate! Right behind them, I have pink peonies, giving me a really nice show of color and heavenly smell!

3. Yellow hyacinth

potted yellow hyacinth.
Image credit: Depositphotos.

Yellow hyacinths are rare but so beautiful! Combined with purple and pink ones they make a real show of color and aroma when you pass them by. 

4. Yellow tulips

yellow and orange tulips.
Image credit: YAY Images

I see a lot more red or white tulips, but there are several types of yellow tulips that are just gorgeous!

They make a perfect addition to borders, beds and even containers.

Here are some red flowers to plant with your yellow tulips.

5. Yellow daffodils

blooming daffodils at the base of a tree.
Image credit: Backyard Garden Lover.

Very popular everywhere, yellow daffodils are pretty much in every yard: bees love them too!

There are many color combinations of daffodils: some have a bit of orange in the middle. So pretty!

They make beautiful cut flower bouquets too.

6. Yellow crocus

yellow crocus blooms.
Image credit: Backyard Garden Lover.

Plant them and forget them. I love this about my crocuses. Here are the first ones that popped up in my garden this spring.

7. Yellow Japanese rose

Not really a rose, this spring flower blooms lots of brilliant, double yellow flowers.

8. Yellow mimosa (Acacia)

yellow mimosa flowers.
Image credit: Depositphotos.

Gorgeous tree/shrub with small beautiful yellow balls for blooms.

9. Yellow primrose

yellow evening primrose flowers.
Image credit: Depositphotos.

This is another one of my favorites. I love it especially together with other colors of primrose. They have such vibrant colors!

10. Yellow pansies

yellow pansies.
Image credit: Backyard Garden Lover.

Yellow pansies are one of those plants everyone has in their garden one time or another during the year.  They start blooming in early spring and continue to bloom throughout the summer.

I like the yellow pansies, but I adore the yellow and purple pansies even more. They’re just so beautiful! Don’t you agree?

11. Yellow hibiscus

yellow hibiscus flower and bud.
Image credit: Backyard Garden Lover.

A late spring bloomer, hibiscus comes in a nice variety of colors including yellow. They are stunning!

Check out these hibiscus companions.

I hope you enjoyed these gorgeous spring flowers and are inspired to try some in your own yard.

Yellow flowers pair really nice with blue flowers.

Add a Few of These Show-Stopping Yellow Flowering Shrubs

a cluster of gorgeous yellow roses.
Image credit: Depositphotos.

Filling your garden with color all year round is a guaranteed way to keep things looking bright and alive no matter what the weather has in store. Of the plethora of colors that you can plant in your outdoor space, yellow flowering shrubs shine the brightest.

15 Stunning Yellow Flowering Trees For Your Yard

golden chain tree.
Image credit: Depositphotos

Trees with bright yellow flowers can brighten any landscape, even on a cloudy day. There is room in almost any garden design for the many shades of yellow found in flowering trees and in the shrubs, annuals, and bulbs that can accompany them.

Here are some of the favorite yellow flowering trees of landscapers and home gardeners in North America.

11 yellow spring flowers.


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