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How To Get Rid Of Poison Ivy Plants

More than likely, we’ve all had a scare once or twice involving poison ivy. If you are an outdoor enthusiast, being educated about poison ivy and how to deal with its effects is important. Learn how to get rid of poison ivy plants from around your house so you can enjoy spending time outdoors.

poison ivy plants.
Image credit: Backyard Garden Lover.

There are certain identifiers to be aware of to help you steer clear of coming in contact with poison ivy when out and about in the woods.

If you do happen to brush up against it or find yourself in a patch of poison ivy, it’s important to take the proper steps immediately to help you get rid of it. See below for instructions on how to take care of yourself once you get poison ivy.

What Is Poison Ivy?

Poison ivy can be found in every state in the US and in all varying climates. The plant is identifiable as having three leaves, and the “poison” actually comes from an oil called urushiol that is excreted throughout the stems, roots, and leaves of the plant.

Poison ivy oil can spread quickly and easily (just like poison oak does).

Poison ivy rash can spread from clothes, skin contact or any other item it came in contact with.

How To Get Rid Of Poison Ivy Plants

What You'll Be Needing:

Tecnu Original Outdoor Skin Cleanser
Use this as a first step in your poison ivy rash treatment
No Rein's Jewelweed Salve 4 oz
Heals Poisin Ivy Oak and Sumac fast

If you see poison ivy in your backyard, don’t wait. Act immediately, or it will spread quickly. Here are just a few ways to remove poison ivy from your property.

Learn how to get rid of plants you don’t want in your garden.

1. Pull it

Pulling poison ivy plants will help get rid of it.

Make sure you are dressed properly to protect yourself. Wear long pants and sleeves, and throw them straight into the wash when you’re done.

Cover your hands well, too. Wear plastic or nitrile gloves and a pair of cheap gardening gloves that you can throw away when you’re done.

Don’t ever compost or burn poison ivy.

Burning poison ivy is a very bad idea because the smoke will get into your lungs and do to your insides what it does to your skin.

2. Get a goat or two

a couple of goats in a grass field.
Image credit: YAY Images.

Goats  LOVE to eat poison ivy and will decimate in no time.

If getting your own goat is not an option, borrow one. We have friends who raise goats and did this in the beginning when the poison ivy was overtaking our entire backyard.

If you borrow the goats, you might need to follow up with some other method, but it’s a good way to eliminate huge poison ivy vines.

3. Hire a neighbor who isn’t allergic to poison ivy

Not everyone is allergic to poison ivy. And if you are, it’s worth paying someone else to pull it out of your yard.

My daughter got it and struggled with it for months. It would disappear, and then she’d do something in the garden and get it all over again.

4. Spray it with vinegar

This might take longer, but if you spray it with concentrated industrial vinegar, it’ll go away.

It will also kill anything else nearby that’s touched by your spray. So this method only works if you don’t have poison ivy between your pretty flowers or in your veggie patch. But this can work if it’s hanging on your fence or by a tree.

5. Pour hot water on it

Hot water will kill it but also kill anything else nearby. Nonetheless, it’s an option in certain cases.

What If You Touched Poison Ivy?

If you think you might have touched poison ivy, there are a few things you need to do right away:

  • change your clothes and wash all of them in hot water
  • if poison ivy grows on your property, it’s a smart idea to have a salve ready in your home (this jewelweed and myrrh salve works really well)
  • scrub your skin with a washcloth and tecnu soap.  It’s a good idea to have some in your house, especially if you have kids. If you don’t have the tecnu soap, use Dawn liquid dish-washing soap. Just make sure you scrub well.

Here’s a video showing how to clean yourself properly after touching poison ivy.

How To Get Rid Of Poison Ivy Rash

Once you show signs of poison ivy, it is imperative to take action so it won’t continue to spread. You can help rid it in several ways before it oozes and blisters.

Apply a steroid cream

Finding a good steroid cream and applying it to the poison ivy rash can help clear it up quickly. Talk to your local pharmacist to determine the best option for you or your child to ensure the quickest and safest treatment.

Use jewelweed

jewelweed flowers
Image credit: Depositphotos.

To calm your poison ivy rash, you can make a concentrated jewelweed tea and add it to your bath water.

Some people make jewelweed tea ice cubes to soothe the itch and pain of the rash.

Or you can buy a salve made with jewelweed and have it ready in your medicine cabinet.

Leave it be, and don’t scratch it!

It’s easier said than done, right? The more you scratch, the more you’ll want to keep doing it. Your skin will get irritated and take a lot longer to heal.

If the itching is driving you insane, you can try a couple of options to help. You can create an oatmeal bath to help the itching or even one with Epson salt to dry it out.

We also tried a vinegar spray with a few drops of peppermint and tea tree oils. It stung like crazy, but it dried it up and helped a lot!

If you can’t stop yourself from itching no matter what put gloves or socks on your hands so that you won’t dig into your skin!

Know what the poison ivy plant looks like

poison ivy in the woods with mature leaves, but also brand new leaves.
Image credit: Backyard Garden Lover.

Before heading out to explore nature, educate yourself and your family members on how to identify a poison ivy plant.

The safest and quickest way to avoid getting poison ivy is to know what you are looking for! Pull up videos or pictures online to show your family so they know what to avoid.

The new poison ivy leaves are reddish but turn green as they mature. Then, they change to red, orange, or yellow in the fall. Sometimes, you’ll see warts on their leaves caused by the eriophyid mite, Aculops rhois.

Above all, if you feel you’ve come in contact with poison ivy, wash that area with soap and water as soon as possible!

how to gt rid of poison ivy plants.


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