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15 Easy Swiss Chard Recipes You’ll Love!

My garden is alive with lots of delicious greens we love picking fresh for our daily meals. One of my favorites is Swiss chard. I love it so much, we planted a whole pack of seeds. And then I was worried it would take too long and bought some plants from the local nursery. Today I was looking for some easy swiss chard recipes, so we can enjoy these yummy greens without getting bored.

rainbow Swiss chard


So, I turned to my blogger friends who love to create recipes and asked for their favorites. I’ll share them with you in just a minute. But first, here’s how I’ve used this yummy green in my cooking:

  • added it to fresh salads
  • sauteed it with olive oil and garlic (YUM! we had this one today!)
  • used it as a green addition to soups
  • we even added it to our green smoothies

Today I made sauteed garlic and swiss chard with sunnyside-up organic eggs for lunch. So simple, yet so filling (and healthy)!

Easy Swiss Chard Recipes That Are Healthy Too!

Here's a list of delicious recipes using swiss chard (also knows as strawberry spinach, silverbeet, and many other names). This way you won't get bored with the same recipes this spring and summer while you harvest lots of chard 😉

Those are just a few of the swiss chard recipes I found. I’ll keep looking and add to my collection. I’d love to add one of each of these:

  • sauteed swiss chard recipes
  • rainbow swiss chard recipes
  • red Swiss chard recipes
  • swiss chard pasta recipes
  • swiss chard recipes for soup
  • grilled swiss chard recipes

Do YOU have a favorite? Let me know in the comments, and I might add your recipe too!

Images of easy swiss chard recipes

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