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It’s the middle of the summer, and the garden is producing loads of fruits and vegetables. Are you taking advantage of this and preserving some for later in the year when fresh food is hard to come by? You need to know how to preserve fruits and vegetables so you can stretch your harvest for …

Read More about How To Preserve Fruits And Vegetables – 5 Easy Ways

No matter how much time you spend in your garden, some vegetables will be invaded by garden pests at one point or another. When you grow vegetables, you’ll need to spend a lot of time checking your garden for the next attack of hungry critters. Let’s see what steps you can take to control vegetable …

Read More about Vegetable Garden Pest Control Tricks Every Gardener Needs to Know

If you never grew vegetables before, starting a veggie garden might be a daunting task. But don’t worry: today we’ll look at how to start a vegetable garden for beginners, and by the end you finish reading this, you’ll know what you should grow in your first vegetable garden. This may seem like an obvious …

Read More about How To Start a Vegetable Garden For Beginners

If you have a green thumb and would love to put that space in your backyard to good use, you should try a vegetable garden. Let’s see how vegetable garden planning can help you maximize your space and resources for an abundant harvest for your family. You’ll be able to grow what you eat and …

Read More about Vegetable Garden Planning – Tips For A Delicious Harvest