It’s spring and everything is coming alive. That makes me really happy. Today I was doing some research and came across this adorable picture of a kitty playing with a flower. It made my day! So, here I am, after a few hours of searching the web, with a collection of adorable animals and flowers that I’m sure will brighten you day 🙂
Animals And Flowers
I love nature: flowers, animals, trees, vines, country back roads, beautiful scenery and still waters. Here’s a collection of 2 of my loves: animals and flowers.
Dogs and flowers
It’s so much fun watching a puppy explore the new world around her! Or an older dog strolling past a flower bed, then plopping down to rest. Here are a few dogs and puppies caught in the act 😉
Look at me!!! Take a picture already! Don’t you see how beautiful these lavender and yellow flowers are?
Puppy sitting in front of rock surrounded by colorful flowers. Precious!
What are you looking at? I love this spot! So many flowers that look and smell so good!
Yes, I’m ignoring you. Just going to rest here for a while.
Oh yeah…. my tummy hurts. Thanks for bringing me here so I can eat a few dandelions and calm my tummy.
This poodle is staying guard on a patch of purple crocus.
Beautiful Sheltie looking at a field of spring yellow flowers
This sleepy puppy will probably take a nap in the pretty flower patch.
Cats and flowers
Kitties are adorable in the garden, as long as they stay out of the flower beds. Her are few cute cats and beautiful flowers.
Gorgeous kitten in the garden with mallow flowers.
A big eyed cat looking at pink flowers: I wonder what’s brewing in its mind 😛
Frogs and flowers
Small frog resting on a lily pad.
What better place to rest? Soft and peaceful!
What a pretty view! This cute tree frog is resting on a gorgeous rose.
Snails and flowers
Snail on pretty yellow flower.
This spot looks comfy! Let me check it out.
Other animals and flowers
Hedgehog near purple iris flowers.
Giraffe posing in front of a blooming tree at the Lisbon zoo.
Adorable animals smelling flowers
We should all remember to stop and smell the roses (and other flowers). Here are a few cute animals taking this advice too: maybe a good example for those of us who never stop.
This sunflower looks interesting and smells good.
These two are adorable!
White baby goat standing on green lawn with daffodils.
This adorable cat seems to be drinking in the tulip’s smell (or lack of it).
Sidney (the dog) just stopped to smell the flowers 😉
Even squirrels appreciate pink flowers 😉
The adorable baby deer is enjoying a moment in the flowery meadow.
I hope you enjoyed looking at these beautiful flowers and animals in their perfect surroundings.
Beautiful Flower Garden Ideas
Thursday 4th of February 2021
[…] 25 Pictures Of Animals And Flowers That Will Melt Your Heart […]
The Most Beautiful Blue Flowers For Your Garden
Thursday 2nd of August 2018
[…] Growing to be quite tall in size, forget-me-not flowers are blue blooms that tend to grow best during the months of May-October. I love the ladybug on this flower. So cute! Here are more adorable creatures in the garden. […]