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17 Incredible Ideas For Landscaping with Hydrangeas in Front of the House

Landscaping with hydrangeas in front of the house will transform your front yard into a welcoming oasis that will make your home the envy of the neighborhood.

large hydrangea shrub with flowers in varying shades of purple.
Image credit: Depositphotos.

When planning your front yard hydrangea garden, ensure you have the proper sunlight and shade balance, and don’t forget to pair them with plants that complement their aesthetic qualities.

Proper placement and care of your hydrangeas are crucial to ensure they thrive where you plant them. Be sure to provide adequate water, nutrients, and pruning to keep your hydrangeas looking their best and add a touch of elegance to the front of your home for years to come.

Hydrangea Varieties

Big, bright pink hydrangeas with the house in the background.

With so many varieties, you can mix and match and create the perfect look for your front yard. Here are just a few to get you started:

Ideas For Landscaping with Hydrangeas in Front of the House

If you are looking for creative ideas for landscaping your front yard with hydrangea shrubs, prepare to get inspired. These 17 ideas are perfect for any outdoor space and a variety of garden design types: big and small gardens, morning sun, afternoon shade, garden paths, around picket fences, and more.

1. Create a hydrangea hedge

Gorgeous deep purple hydrangeas line a driveaway with an old house in the background.

Plant a row of hydrangea shrubs along the front of your yard to create a beautiful and colorful hedge. This is also great for long driveways. Just look at those deep purple hydrangeas in the picture above.

2. Cottage garden style

Pink hydrangeas in a cottage garden.

Create a charming cottage garden look by mixing hydrangea flowers with other flowering plants, such as roses and lavender.

3. Hydrangea borders

Light purple hydrangea shrubs bordering a set of stairs in the woods.

Edge your front yard flower beds or walkways with hydrangeas to provide a vibrant and eye-catching border.

4. Mass planting

Different types of hydrangeas are planted together: white blooms in the front and shades of blue, pink, and purple in the background.

Plant a large group of hydrangeas together in a mass planting for a striking visual impact. I love the white hydrangeas above, with the other colors peeking from the back.

5. Hydrangea tree

Pink hydrangea paniculata tree form.

Train a hydrangea shrub into a small tree form by pruning and shaping it, adding height and interest to your front yard. Isn’t the pink hydrangea tree above gorgeous?

6. Focal point

Gorgeous spiky hydrangea blooms in white and pink shades.

Use a single large hydrangea specimen as a focal point in your front yard, surrounded by other complementary plants.

7. Hydrangea walkway

stone walkway flanked by hydrangea blooms.

Line your front yard pathway with potted or planted hydrangeas, creating a beautiful and inviting entrance.

8. Mixed shrub borders

A stunning mostly white hydrangea border with bright pink in between for a pop of color.

Combine hydrangeas with other shrubs, such as azaleas or rhododendrons, to create a diverse and visually appealing front garden. Try adding some Annabelle hydrangeas.

9. Hydrangea espalier

Train hydrangea vines along a trellis or against a wall in a flat, two-dimensional form known as an espalier.

10. Foundation plantings

Use hydrangeas to soften the edges of your house by planting them along the foundation, adding color and texture.

11. Container garden

Potted pink hydrangeas.

Arrange different varieties of hydrangeas in large containers and strategically place them in the nooks and crannies of your front yard for a mobile and versatile display.

Or, display potted hydrangeas on your front porch, patio, or steps to add color and elegance to your entrance.

12. Water feature

A water feature surrounded by colorful hydrangea flowers.

Incorporate a water feature, such as a small pond or fountain, surrounded by hydrangeas for a serene and picturesque front yard setting.

13. Ground cover

Plant low-growing hydrangea varieties as ground cover in front of taller shrubs or as a border along pathways.

14. Vertical beauty

A climbing hydrangea over a wooden gate.
Image from our friends at GardensAll. You may enjoy seeing their article on pruning hydrangeas.

Use climbing hydrangea varieties to adorn the walls or fences of your front yard, adding vertical interest.

15. Rock garden

Create a rock garden with hydrangeas nestled among boulders and low-growing plants for a natural, textured front yard design.

16. Archway

Train hydrangea vines over an archway or pergola, providing a grand entrance to your front yard.

17. Quiet (or secret) place

A beautiful wooden bench set against a large white hydrangea bush.

Even in a smaller yard, you can tuck a nice hydrangea bush in a corner and set a bench in front of it for the perfect quiet spot at the end of the day (or first thing in the morning).

Check out these other front yard landscaping ideas.

Design a Front Yard Garden with Hydrangeas

A pink hydrangea wall leads to an arched stone entrance.

Curb appeal

Hydrangeas can significantly enhance your landscape and help create curb appeal. These versatile, flowering shrubs provide a long blooming season and beautiful, vibrant colors in your front yard.

Plant your hydrangeas in groups or as singular specimens to create focal points. Place them along walkways or driveways to create a welcoming path, or use them as a border between your home and the sidewalk. Mix them with low maintenance plants like evergreen shrubs and trees to ensure year-round interest.

Use hydrangeas as foundation plants

Hydrangeas are ideal foundation plants for homes, as they soften the hard lines of a building’s architecture.

Rose-colored hydrangea flowers behind a white picket fence.

Plant hydrangeas near the entryway, along the front-facing walls, around porches, or behind a white picket fence for a colorful and inviting appearance. Mix them with other foundation plants, such as boxwood shrubs, hostas, azaleas, and rhododendron.

Evergreen shrubs are great for providing contrasting foliage and color throughout the year.

Combine hydrangeas with other shrubs and plants

A mass of blue hydrangeas and hot pink astilbe in the woods.

Incorporating hydrangeas with other plants in your landscape creates variety and visual interest in your front yard. Some excellent companion plants for hydrangeas include:

  • Boxwood: This evergreen shrub adds structure and can be trimmed into formal hedges or shapes, complementing the hydrangeas’ natural forms.
  • Hostas: With their bold foliage and diverse selection, hostas fill spaces under and around hydrangeas, adding texture and a lush ground cover.
  • Azalea and rhododendron: These flowering shrubs offer even more vibrant color choices, blooming before hydrangeas and extending the seasonal interest in your front yard.
  • Cottage garden plants: To create a cottage-style garden, incorporate perennials, annuals, and even some decorative elements such as birdhouses or trellises. Contrasting colors and textures will create a striking visual design, and by using low-maintenance plants, you’ll spend less time maintaining your front yard.

You can design an enchanting front yard by thoughtfully combining hydrangeas, other shrubs, and plants to improve your home’s curb appeal. See more companion plants for hydrangeas.

Planting and Growing Conditions for Hydrangeas

A wooden birdhouse surrounded by blue hydrangea blooms.

Sun or shade?

While some hydrangeas will tolerate full sun exposure, most will do better in partial shade. This is especially important in hot or arid climates, where the combination of extreme heat, dry weather and the scorching sun can cause stress to the plants.

How much water do hydrangeas need?

Proper watering for your hydrangeas is crucial: they need moist soil to grow and bloom well. Provide enough water to keep the soil moist but not waterlogged (this might be best achieved with a timed drip irrigation system).

In hotter climates or during dry spells, carefully monitor your hydrangeas and adjust your watering routine to prevent them from wilting or becoming stressed. Again, a drip irrigation system can be programmed to water at specific times (this system has a rain delay feature, so you don’t water your plants when it rains): a very good investment for your peace of mind.

Should you fertilize hydrangea plants?

Miracle-Gro 1000701 Pound (Fertilizer for Acid Loving Plant Food for Azaleas, Camellias, and Rhododendrons, 1.5, 1.5 lb

Hydrangeas thrive in well-draining soil that is rich in organic matter. Creating a fertile mixture of compost, peat moss, and garden soil will help nourish the plants. Consider adding a slow-release fertilizer specifically designed for hydrangeas to further promote growth and vibrant blooms. Be cautious not to over-fertilize, which might result in lush foliage but fewer flowers.

Is soil pH important?

The success of your hydrangea garden largely depends on the soil and pH you provide for the plants. Hydrangeas prefer well-draining, slightly acidic soil (pH 5.5-6.5). However, some varieties can tolerate alkaline soil or a broader pH range. Test your soil’s pH and amend it accordingly for optimal growth.

The soil pH can also affect the color of your hydrangea blooms. For example, Hydrangea macrophylla flowers can change color depending on the soil pH. In alkaline soil, you will get pink flowers, while acidic soil will produce blue flowers. If you desire a specific color, adjust your soil pH accordingly.

How To Choose Hydrangeas For Your Front Yard Landscape

Mass planting of hydrangeas on the side wall of a stone house.

Check color and bloom time

As you plan your front yard hydrangea garden, look at the color of the plants you choose and when they’ll be in bloom.

Hydrangeas come in many colors, and there are many ways to mix and match different types of hydrangeas with other plants. Here is want you can expect in color for your plants:

  1. white – classic and elegant varieties, such as the Annabelle hydrangeas
  2. pink – ranging from pale pink to vibrant shades
  3. blue – blue hydrangeas are highly sought after and are often associated with a sense of tranquility
  4. purple – adding a touch of royalty to the garden with a deep blue hydrangea bush
  5. green – featuring chartreuse or lime green tones. The Limelight hydrangea is an excellent choice if you want green hydrangeas
  6. red – while red is not a common color, it can make a bold and eye-catching statement in the garden. Try Grateful red hydrangea for GORGEOUS scarlet red balls pollinators love!
  7. bi-color or multi-color – some hydrangeas bloom display multiple colors. The BloomStruck big leaf hydrangea is one of these, where the flowers range from bright pink to royal blue and everything in between.

Bloom time for different hydrangeas varies from early spring to late fall, so choose plants that bloom at different times to ensure continuous color in your landscape through the growing season.

To prune, or not to prune

The process of pruning a hydrangea plant.

Proper pruning and maintenance are necessary to keep your hydrangeas looking their best and flowering every year. However, pruning techniques and timing will depend on your hydrangea type.

Prune bigleaf and oakleaf hydrangeas immediately after they finish blooming, as they bloom on old wood. Pruning them during winter or early spring may remove the flower buds or potential blooms.

On the other hand, panicle and smooth hydrangeas bloom on new wood, meaning you can prune them during the winter months or early spring without the risk of cutting off the upcoming season’s blooms.

For all types of hydrangeas, make sure to:

  • remove dead or damaged branches at any time
  • to rejuvenate the plant, prune the oldest stems or those that no longer produce flowers
  • shape the plant to fit your landscape design

Learn more about how to properly prune hydrangeas.

What Plants Compliment Hydrangeas In the Landscape

Italian house exterior decorated with hydrangea in flower pots and Bougainvillea tree.

Landscaping with hydrangeas in front of your house is one of the easiest ways to bring a sense of serenity, beauty, nostalgia, and joy all at the same time. Hydrangeas add a natural elegance to your front yard and create a welcoming atmosphere: the perfect picture to greet you every day you come home.

And since hydrangea plants are so easy to maintain, mix them up with equally easygoing plants, such as: 

  • astilbes offer feathery plumes of color that complement the hydrangea’s large blooms
  • ferns provide delicate greenery that contrasts nicely with hydrangeas
  • geraniums add a splash of color at the base of your hydrangea plants
  • azaleas will create an attractive, fragrant border in front of your house
  • rosemary is evergreen and can add color throughout the year, even when the hydrangeas are not blooming.

Remember, when selecting fragrant plants, choosing those that complement rather than compete with your hydrangeas’ natural beauty is essential.

Love Hydrangeas? Look At These Other Guides

Landscaping with hydrangeas in front of the house.
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Adriana Copaceanu is a passionate nature lover living in the country on her dream property where she grows vegetables, lavender, and wildflowers that she shares with the wildlife they attract. When she's not in the garden, she loves spending time with her chickens and planning her next nature project. Check out her books below:

How to Grow Lavender for Fun and Profit: Lessons Learned from Planting Three Hundred Lavender Plants

How to Raise Chickens for Eggs: A Guide to Raising Happy, Healthy Chickens for Nutritious, Organic Eggs at Home

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