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How To Compost With Worms

Vegetable garden composting is a fantastic way of recycling waste. For your kitchen waste (cooked and uncooked), a wormery is the perfect tool. Let’s look at how to compost with worms and get the best fertilizer for your garden.

Composting Tiger worms hard at work

Benefits Of Composting With Worms

  1. A wormery can get rid of all manner of unwanted food. Worms will quickly turn your leftovers into a rich soil improver. Even their liquid waste makes a highly nutritious liquid fertilizer.
  2. Worms produce a natural antibiotic that helps to protect your plants from many diseases: who wouldn’t want that?
  3. Worm compost is 100% organic, so you won’t need to worry about chemical fertilizers
  4. Composting with worms will save you money (in trash fees, as well as in free, organic compost)

How To Compost With Worms

Composting with worms is really easy:

  • start with a plastic or wooden bin (don’t get one that’s too deep. Composting worms live in the top 6 inches or so of your bin)
  • add several layers of moist newspaper strips
  • throw in a handful of soil
  • include red worms or red wigglers
  • add your vegetable scraps
  • cover your bin with a loose-fitting lid that will allow air in your wormery

Keep adding food scraps to your compost bin and in about 4 or 5 months you’ll have a bin full of organic fertilizer for your garden.

Related: what does it mean if I have mushrooms growing in my garden?

Best Worm Composters

4-Tray Worm Compost Kit There are many shapes and sizes of wormeries available, ranging from the classic wormery bin with a bottom tap, to tray systems that allow you to remove the already made compost without emptying the whole bin.

The classic design is available from various sources and it works as well as ever, you could also make your own by stacking up old car tires or built from wood. Be careful not to allow your worms to escape.  Keeping them happy is important. Then they’ll stay where they’re needed.

You can also get wormery kits that stack up upon each other as and when needed. Or you could use stacking plastic boxes as long as there is air access for the worms and not enough room for them to wriggle out.

What Can you Put In Your Worm Composter?

Wonder what to add to your compost bin with worms? Add just about any food scraps from the kitchen, except meat, fish, and citrus fruits (worms do not like too much acid).

Learn more about what earthworms eat.

Here are just a few ideas for your wormery:

  • fruit and vegetable scraps
  • newspaper
  • coffee grounds
  • eggshells
  • old bread
  • dry leaves
  • cardboard

Are earthworms good for my wormery?

There are 28 species of worms in your garden, most of which live in the upper areas of the soil. These are known as earthworms and although they are good aerators and nutrition providers of your vegetable garden plot, they are not good for your wormery.

There are 3 types of worms that you could use in your vegetable garden composting wormery:

The Tiger Worm is the top choice for a wormery because they are efficient and have adapted to be able to thrive in a highly nutritious environment.

Here are some books about worm farming from Amazon. Here are some great vegetable garden composting ideas from hot, cold, trench and organic ways to produce compost.

Hopefully, you now know how to compost with worms and will enjoy years of lovely fruits and veggies from your organically fertilized garden 😉

Composting with worms for beginners

How to compost with worms
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Adriana Copaceanu is a passionate nature lover living in the country on her dream property where she grows vegetables, lavender, and wildflowers that she shares with the wildlife they attract. When she's not in the garden, she loves spending time with her chickens and planning her next nature project. Check out her books below:

How to Grow Lavender for Fun and Profit: Lessons Learned from Planting Three Hundred Lavender Plants

How to Raise Chickens for Eggs: A Guide to Raising Happy, Healthy Chickens for Nutritious, Organic Eggs at Home

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