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9 Stunning Plants That Come with Outrageously High Price Tags

Growing plants, whether inside or outside of the home, can be a rewarding hobby. There is a huge sense of satisfaction when your efforts are rewarded by beautiful blooms and crops of delicious fruits and vegetables.

Home gardening doesn’t have to be expensive: most plants can be purchased for just a few dollars, but at the other end of the scale, some products sell for eye-watering sums.

This list of most expensive plants includes items that can be grown indoors, while others thrive in outdoor environments. What unites them is their cost, which is comparable to the most significant of your household bills — your mortgage.

Variegated Monstera

Variegated Monstera
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Any monstera is a stunning plant. They can grow to exceptional heights and require very little maintenance in return. Many are cost-effective houseplants, but the most desirable fetch five-figure sums.

Monstera plants with variegated leaves are considered status symbols. The most expensive to date was an Asansonii Variegata that sold for a staggering $38,000.

Bonsai Pine

Bonsai Pine
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Bonsai trees can be fiendishly tricky to grow, so if you’re a beginner, you should start with one of the cheaper plants. You certainly don’t want to pay top dollar for a bonsai, only to kill it off within a few weeks.

There are some expensive options in this category, and the most costly of all is the Bonsai Pine. Many of these plants have survived for hundreds of years, and the current record is the colossal $1.3 million paid for an 800-year-old example.

Shenzhen Nongke Orchid

Shenzhen Nongke Orchid
Image Credit: Sheffield Made Plants/YouTube.

Some species of orchid are so rare that their locations are kept secret. They are beautiful and delicate plants, and as such, many are on the endangered list.

The rarest orchids also carry a high price tag, but the most costly of all is the Shenzhen Nongke variety. It’s a man-made orchid, and its uniqueness is the main reason for its value. In 2005, the Shenzhen Nongke orchid was sold for over $200,000 at auction.

Saffron Crocus

Saffron plant
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Saffron is a rare spice, and if you’ve ever seen it at a store or on a restaurant menu, you’ll already be aware of this fact. The issue is that the manufacturing process is labor intensive, and it takes around 80,000 flowers to produce just 500 grams of the stuff.

All of this means that the Saffron Crocus is one of the world’s most expensive plants. Sold by weight, it can fetch up to about $1000 per pound.

Variegated Mini Monstera

Variegated Mini Monstera
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Good things often come in small packages. If your home is limited in terms of space, you can opt to grow a mini monstera instead of its full-sized counterpart. Once again, they come in a range of prices, and you can start your indoor gardening for just a few dollars.

Unusual and rare mini monsteras attract huge sums. The current record is the $27,000 paid in New Zealand for a white, variegated plant with nine leaves.

Chinese Magnolia

Chinese Magnolia
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Most magnolia trees are relatively common, but if you find the Chinese variety in your garden, you could be sitting on a goldmine. It’s exceptionally rare and requires specific conditions with dappled sunlight. A Chinese Magnolia will also need protection from colder temperatures, and it’s unlikely to grow in places where the numbers regularly drop below 23°F.

If you can meet all of its terms, the Chinese Magnolia could reward you with a value in the region of $8,500.

Kadupul Flower

Kadupul Flower
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

It’s impossible to put a price on the Kadupul Flower as it doesn’t grow long enough for a sale to be completed. The national flower of Sri Lanka is strikingly beautiful, but it has the unfortunate habit of dying as soon as it is picked.

Even if left to flourish, the Kadupul will die within a few hours of blooming. It’s also one of the rarest flowers in the world, so we could argue that the Kadupul is simply priceless.

Hoya Carnosa Compacta

Hoya Carnosa Compacta
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Hanging and trailing plants often come with a bad rep. We may think of ivy, which is highly invasive and could potentially subtract value from your home if it gets out of control.

These plants aren’t always considered attractive, but the Hoya Carnosa Compacta is an amazing exception. Its leaves are curiously twisted, while the vines that it hangs from resemble ropes. This unusual combination has seen examples sell for more than $6,500.

Hochstetter’s Butterfly Orchid

Hochstetter’s Butterfly Orchid
Image Credit: Bateman et al – CC BY 3.0/Wiki Commons.

This attractive plant is a recent addition to the orchid family. While initially identified in the 19th century, the Hochstetter’s Butterfly Orchid wasn’t officially recognized until it was discovered by accident by a tourist in 2017.

Originating from the Azores, the plant was believed extinct, but while it’s happily still with us, it remains rare. A single stalk of the Hochstetter’s Butterfly Orchid can cost in excess of $6,000. This plant is also endangered, making it very difficult to purchase.


  • Bonnie's interests include hiking, a passion she nurtured while living in Upstate New York, and cooking, gardening, and home decorating. These hobbies allow her to express her creativity and connect with nature, providing a well-rounded balance to her busy life. Through her professional achievements, community involvement, and personal pursuits, she embodies a holistic approach to life, dedicated to service, growth, and well-being.

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